Topband: trap inv-l

ik2bcp - Guido Tedeschi guido.ted at
Sun Apr 10 19:06:33 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Topband" <Topband at>
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 5:59 PM
Subject: Topband: trap inv-l

> This is in regard to the coaxial trap inverted-L. Tom's article shows us 
> that traps aren't bad things to be avoided. But for those who still oppose 
> traps, 80 meters can be added to a 160 meter inverted-L by placing a 
> 1/4-wavelength (80 meters) grounded wire 15 cm from the inverted-L. Is 
> anyone here using such an antenna? This is based on a NEC simulation and 
> on Monday I can put a 1/50 scale model together and see if it really works 
> as simulated.

The open sleeve is an interesting thing to try, because, varying the 
spacing, you can also control the impedance of the 80m antenna and make it 
similar to the one you have on 160m.
If the bandwidth needs are limited (only Italian CW subbands on both bands), 
a broadband transformer can do the job to have 50OHM without using any LC.
Dave, please, tell us how the model will work, it is very interesting.
Ciao and thanks
Guido, ik2bcp

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