Topband: Antenna Question, Sorry

Kevin Nathan k7rx at
Wed Aug 10 10:02:20 EDT 2005

Hi All,

I apologize for raising a topic that I know has been spoken of on here before but I am looking for advice and since I am blind, I really can't use EZNEC or other modeling programs very well due to the graphics involved.  In looking at the antenna situation here I have the room to put in a ground mounted inverted L antenna of approximately 150 to 170 feet in length with perhaps 60 or 70 feet vertical.  At present, I have 300 PF of capacitance in the form of a couple of fixed caps rated at a working voltage of 2500.  I know if I put these or even more capacitance in series, I can tune the SWR to 1 to 1 on 160.

My question though regards possibly using this antenna on 80 and 40 for DX work.  I could simply feed it with coax, not put the caps in, and just use my tuner to attempt to deal with the SWR which might be involved.  If possible, can some of you share opinions with me regarding how you feel this antenna would play on 160 and also on 80 and 40?  Any other thoughts?  I had written to one person asking about the Battle Creek Special and obtaining traps I know are accurate but he advised me to just use a multi band vertical.  Problem here is that I really don't have the funds to invest in such a vertical.  I therefore need a low cost but effective antenna and this looks like it might be the best possibility.

I will look forward to any thoughts you may have for me on this.  Thanks much and very 73 to the group.

Kevin :)
Amateur Radio:  K7RX
Navy Marine Corps MARS:  NNN0SHS

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