Topband: Forward of moderated message

by way of Bill Tippett <> topband-bounces at
Wed Dec 7 11:15:07 EST 2005

From: "john devoldere, ON4UN" <john.devoldere at>
Subject: RE: Topband: Error in ARRL 160 contest rules?
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 12:39:17 -0000

I have had contact with Dan, N1ND, the ARRL contest manager.

Dan's interpretation of the rules, as they arte written now (and have been
unchanged for many, many years) is that KP4, KV4, KL and KH work DX, as they
are ARRL sections. Dan also said it is the very first time a station (NP4A)
interprets the rules differently.

I also heard some logging programs understand differently, and some would
not allow the user to log a DX station (don't know which ones however).

All by all it is clear that the rules might be written a little more
explicitly. When it means that all stations in ARRL sections can work DX it
should not be written that VE/W stations can work DX, as KOP4, KV4, KL and
KH are neither W nor VE. Dan also promised to reword the rules so there is
no chance for interpretation errors.

It was not my intention to suggest the rules should change. Personally I am
in favor of keeping it basically as it is: ARRL / RAC sections (W + VE + KL4
+ KV4 +KL +KH6) against the rest of the world.


John, ON4UN

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