Topband: ARRL 160, DX Windows, etc. (end of threads)

Bill Tippett btippett at
Wed Dec 7 12:33:50 EST 2005

	This is getting ridiculous's time to
move on.

1.  ARRL has promised to review/clarify the rules.

2.  The ARRL 160 is NOT a good contest for DX.
Let the SS folks have their fun and don't try to
make ARRL 160 something into something it
will never be without major rule changes.

3.  DX Windows have been debated ad infinitum
before.  Please read the numerous archives for this
topic and report back in 2007...after you finish.  :-)

			73,  Bill W4ZV

P.S.  ARRL DX in February is probably the best for US
DXers.  It is US>DX only, does not fill the band with
US>US QRM, DX>DX is not allowed making less QRM
on the DX side and US gives their state for WAS hunters.

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