Topband: Contests

K9AY k9ay at
Sun Dec 11 19:05:27 EST 2005

>...reward the stations who can't run EU all night
>...the window rarely supports more than a handful of DX
>...the ARRL 160M contest is a thing of the past
>...create a S&P only category
>...let's make a new contest
>...etc. (with apologies for taking these out of context)

"You gotta fix it" complaints have shown up after every contest since I can 
remember.  While there are times when contests may benefit from some 
tweaking of the rules, each one has its own distinctive flavor and that's 
fine with me.

Contests are -- above all -- enjoyable personal challenges.  I had a ball 
with a Field Day style operation at my unfinished new QTH.  69 DX QSOs ain't 
bad from the alleged Black Hole.  Am I going to complain because VY2ZM works 
1000 DX stations or some W1, 2, 3 or 4 (or another 9) doubles my score?  Are 
you kidding?  I'm just going to work on my operating and put up better 
antennas before the next one!

73, Gary

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