Topband: Dirty Harry and the DX window

Guy Olinger, K2AV olinger at
Mon Dec 12 00:16:56 EST 2005


Responding to the idea that there needs to be a window, and without 
referring to a specific contest

The choice of frequencies below probably would need adjusting, and are 
specified only for presentation of the concept:

Logs must show transmitting frequency of each QSO.

   North American stations may not transmit for any purpose.
   European stations may not work other European stations while 
transmitting in this window.

   European stations may not transmit for any purpose.
   North American stations may not work other North American stations 
while transmitting in this window.

CQ's in windows must contain QSX. E.g. TEST W1XYZ W1XYZ 36R2  or  TEST 

QSO's violating window rules will be deleted from both logs. Penalty?

Operation in the window may not occupy more than one of the quarter 
hour periods (00-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59) in any given clock hour 
(00-59)  There may not be any fewer than 15 minutes between the end of 
one window operating period and the beginning of another. 15 minute 

QSOs violating the rules will be deleted (penalty?) for the station 
violating time rules, but otherwise given credit for the other 

The rules above can be programmed into logging apps. QSO's violating 
rules can be gonged by the logger at the time of the attempt, and not 

In both windows, 200 Hz separation is considered polite.

25 stations at a time can be transmitting in the window (listening 
elsewhere), and over space of an hour can be utilized by 100 or more.

It would also improve the turnover of run frequencies, and open up the 

73, Guy. 

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