Topband: Log Submission

Tree tree at
Mon Dec 19 11:29:24 EST 2005

On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 10:47:09AM -1000, Ken Brown wrote:

> A couple of questions about my log submission:
> I used CT DOS IARU mode and am editing the log using word pad. The log 
> submission robot can be very picky, so I want to get every detail right 
> the first time.
> There is a "CLAIMED-SCORE:" line. I am not calculating my score and 
> leaving that to the Boring robot. Should I leave that line in with no 
> data, or remove it altogether?


> Can other blank unused lines, such as "CLUB:" be deleted, or does the 
> robot want them, even if blank?

Remove or blank.

> Can repeated lines such as "ADDRESS:" and "OPERATORS:" which are blank 
> be deleted, or does the robot need the exact number of lines even when 
> some are blank?

Remvoe or blank.

> In the "CONTEST:" line, what is the correct format? "STEW"?, "SP"?, 

Please see  It will answer these types
of questions.

> In CT IARU Contest mode there is a line "ARRL-SECTION:  " . Obviously 
> this is not applicable for the Stew Perry test. I presume I can just 
> delete it, and I need to make a line which specifies my grid square. 
> What is the exact format of that line? "GRID:    BK29" ? Or 
> "GRID-SQUARE:     BK29"?

Don't add things not in the spec (which GRID isn't).  I can see your sent
grid in the QSO entry.

> What about DUP contacts? I like to leave them in, so that the one that 
> is in the other guys log does not get deleted. Is it okay (ie: no 
> penalty, and the Boring robot will not count more than one QSO with a 
> station) to leave DUPs in?

Always leave dupes in.

> I expect others may also need the answers to these questions in order to 
> successfully submit their logs, so I think it is worthwhile to post on 
> the reflector.



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