Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines

Herbert Schoenbohm herbs at
Wed Feb 23 08:17:30 EST 2005

Dick  W7WKR wrote:
"Do any of you know of a reasonably  SAFE way to install an antenna system
where a support line crosses way above such lines?"

The local power company here provides HV insulating sleeves for construction
projects and building renovation where the 14 KV line runs very close by.
The streets in the historic district are very narrow  with buildings and HV
Power lines only a few feet away. These protective HV sleeves, if available
in your area would give you some margin of protection. Even with these
protection devices, which are supposed to be OSHA required, I don't know how
one could sleep well at night  Your choice of the rope material, if you
decide to ever try this, should be high quality UV protected Philystran.
Remember the wind whipping of the tops of fir trees must also be seriously

Still the safest way is to bury the 14KV and get a good nights sleep.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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