February 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Feb 1 00:02:23 EST 2005
Ending: Mon Feb 28 19:50:35 EST 2005
Messages: 252
- Topband: Butternut HF2V
Osten B Magnusson
- Topband: Need antenna help on 160 and 80 meters ( new Dxer )
- Topband: Contest comments from here
Ron vk3io
Michael Tope
- Topband: CQ 160 CW Contest Observations
Roger Parsons
- Topband: (Repeat) Why didn't my post appear?
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Conditions
Don K5AQ
- Topband: Contest weekend/HK1
bob finger
- Topband: ARRL DX CW - PJ4R
ku8e at bellsouth.net
- Topband: RE: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Javier Lopez
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Echoes and CT3 in Boring, Oregon
- Topband: Re: Need antenna help on 160 and 80 meters ( new Dxer )
Tom McAlee
- Topband: Fw: CQWW 160 CW from the black hole of Asia
- Topband: recordings from last night
Pat N8VW
- Topband: RE: Butternut HF2V Configuration
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: Contest weekend HK1XX
Jose M. Valdes R. YV5LIX
- Topband: Preamp for 160m (and 80m)
qskguy at aol.com
- Topband: Re: Need antenna help on 160 and 80 meters ( new Dxer )
Richard Detweiler
Richard Detweiler
- Topband: Preamp for 160m (and 80m)
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Butternut HF2V
Osten B Magnusson
- Topband: cndx
Michael Bazley
- Topband: MD4K in contest
Dave Sharred
- Topband: Noise on 160m was big today, please be patient.
David Zhou, BA4DW
- Topband: 1/2 wave antennas, etc.
by way of Bill Tippett
<btippett at alum.mit.edu>
- Topband: Good condx
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Tom McAlee
- Topband: Butternut HF2V
- Topband: Re: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Dave Heil
- Topband: conditions in arizona last night
larry pace
- Topband: Preamp for 160m (and 80m)
QSKguy at aol.com
- Topband: Condx
- Topband: CQ 160M CW Contest As Seen at S9SS
charles Lewis
- Fw: Topband: KP2ZZ in CQWW 160
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: CQ 160M CW Contest As Seen at S9SS
Milt Jensen, N5IA
- Topband: Beacon Tribune - 160 meters, Turbo mode tonight
John Ceccherelli
- Topband: Conditions in Colorado
Joe - WDØM
- Topband: Re: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Re: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Gerry Hohn
- Topband: On the road in Delaware
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Preamp for 160m (and 80m)
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Working KV4FZ and KP2ZZ
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: Re: Butternut HF2V Configuration
Gerry Hohn
- Topband: Boring Report - ZP6CW and TR8CA
- Topband: CQ 160M CW Contest As Seen at S9SS
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: KP2ZZ in CQWW 160
Dave Sharred
- Topband: Problem Working KV4FZ and KP2ZZ
Yuri Onipko VE3DZ
- Topband: Re: Working KV4FZ and KP2ZZ
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: Beacon Tribune - 160 meters, Turbo mode tonight
Bill Tippett
- Topband: CQ 160M CW Contest As Seen at S9SS
Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh
- Topband: HF2V question
- Topband: HF2V question
- Topband: Contest weekend
Jim Brown
- Topband: Beacon Tribune - 160 meters, Turbo mode tonight
Ian Keyser
- Topband: N2XE/B Last night
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: Beacon Tribune - A Great Response
John Ceccherelli
- Topband: Hearing 5 Watts from NEW ENGLAND
- Topband: Feeding Beverages
Howard Klein
- Topband: Feeding Beverages
Howard Klein
- Topband: HF2V update
- Topband: Plans to build homemade HF-2V antenna ??
- Topband: rx/tx switch with grounding
Andree Schanko
- Topband: condx this morning
- Topband: condx this morning
Augie Hansen
- Topband: Fwd: From FR5DN
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Plans to build homemade HF-2V antenna ??
Steve Harwood
- Topband: Condx last night
Donald Chester
- Topband: YV signals in JA on Top-Band
Javier Remoto
- Topband: Amazing NE-JA opening
Barry N1EU
- Topband: more recordings.
Pat N8VW
- Topband: DX last night and QRM problem
- Topband: JA's
- Topband: JA opening today
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Re: Plans to build homemade HF-2V antenna??
George Stewart (VK5ALS)
- Topband: JA Opening
Tom Homewood
- Topband: 160 last night and this AM
Ron Spencer
- Topband: A few beverage planning questions
Jerry Keller - K3BZ
- Topband: DX last night and QRM problem
Steve Flood
- Topband: A few beverage planning questions
bob finger
- Topband: A few beverage planning questions
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Annual "Top Band Gathering" in Dayton
George Taft
- Topband: A few beverage planning ANSWERS
Jerry Keller - K3BZ
- Topband: W5SUS on air again
Stan Stockton
- Topband: Relays for Transmit/Receive Switching
Ben Champion
- Topband: FR5DN
- Topband: "growler" follow-up
- Topband: shunt feeding cap values
N2TK, Tony
- Topband: Help with Better "Urban" Antennas
Eric Rosenberg
- Topband: ww 160 from Zone 2
Yuri Onipko VE3DZ
- Topband: HY-TOWER
Gregg Seidl
- Topband: 6O0CW Spotlight
Roger Parsons
- Topband: Quality of QTH fro 160m reception - local daytime noise on
Ulli Grunow
- Topband: K9AY Loop System
Phil Clements
- Topband: HY-TOWER
W8AV at aol.com
- Topband: 6O0CW Spotlight
Larry Emery
- Topband: cndx
Michael Bazley
- Topband: 6O0CW Spotlight
- Topband: Quality of QTH fro 160m reception - local daytime noise
Tom Rauch
- Topband: How to measure ground conductivity / characteristics for
Kristinn Andersen
- Topband: SWA's
Howard Klein
- Topband: VK6HD this morning
Brian Campbell
- Topband: 160 cndx
Michael Bazley
- Topband: ICE/Array Solutions Pre-amps
- Topband: How to measure ground conductivity / characteristics
R. Kline
- Topband: 6O0CW Spotlight
Tom McAlee
- Topband: HF-2V Vertical vs. full size low dipole ??
- Topband: Condx past few days
- Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower
Jim Hoge
- Topband: 160m QRP
Ian Keyser
- Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: Questions about verticals and radials
Jim & Carolyn Kingsbury
- Topband: EZNEC prediction help
Rick Darwicki
- Topband: hy tower
Gregg Seidl
- [Fwd: Re: Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower]
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: 160 dx from down south
N5ue at aol.com
- Topband: EZNEC prediction help
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: EZNEC prediction help
Tom Rauch
- Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower]
Milt Jensen, N5IA
- Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower
Doug Waller
- Topband: EZNEC prediction help
Terry Conboy
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Jerry Keller - K3BZ
- Topband: KD9SV 160m pre amp help
Keith Le Boutillier
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Joe Subich, K4IK
- Topband: toploading of shunt fed tower
Steve Lawrence
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Howard Klein
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Tom McAlee
- Topband: 160M Vertical
Jack M. Henkle
- Topband: Shunt-Fed Towers
Harold Smith
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Tom McAlee
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
- Topband: Yeasu FTDX 104B
- Topband: Toploading of shunt fed tower
Jarda Semotan
- Topband: Help de-coupling the TX antenna
Eric Rosenberg
- Topband: My story from EI/SP4Z for CQWW CW 2004
Wieslaw Kosinski, SP4Z
- Topband: RE: KD9SV 160m pre amp help
Keith Le Boutillier
- Topband: RE: KD9SV 160m pre amp help
Keith Le Boutillier
- Topband: Help de-coupling the TX antenna
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Tom McAlee
- Topband: EZNEC shunt fed tower file
Rick Darwicki
- Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower
Joe Subich, K4IK
- Topband: Inrad Reflector
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Topband like 20m in a contest
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: 160m QRP
Ian Keyser
- Topband: 160m QRP TYPO!!!
Ian Keyser
- Topband: Topband like 20m in a contest
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: Loop
Rick Darwicki
- Topband: APRIL 2002
Gene Buechner
- Topband: Remote Controled QTH
Jarda Semotan
- Topband: 160 Last Night - and Clicks...
Roger Parsons
- Topband: 160 meters vertical. HELP
salvatore farina
- Topband: Loop
Rick Darwicki
- Topband: 160 Last Night
- Topband: Homebuilt and modified HF-2V ?
Osten B Magnusson
- Topband: 160 Last Night - and Clicks...
Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh
- Topband: Dayton 160 Meter Dinner
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: Dayton Topband Dinner
George & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: [Fwd: Your "echo " on 160]
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Did you forget to send in your Stew Log?
- Topband: [Fwd: Your "echo " on 160]
Larry Emery
- Topband: [Fwd: Your "echo " on 160]
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: [Fwd: Your "echo " on 160]
Ford Peterson
- Topband: [Fwd: Your "echo " on 160]
John Kaufmann
- Topband: Strange Echo-LDE?...SDE?
W9UCW at aol.com
- Topband: Condx and more on 'growl' noise
- Topband: 160M DXCC
Bob Beebe
- Topband: Inverted-L Bazooka type antenna
Charles Otnott
- Topband: Homemade tower base insulator assy.
Larry Emery
- Topband: 3D2RR
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: 160M DXCC
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: Beverage grounds
- Topband: Re: INV-L Bazooka
Roy Koeppe
- Topband: beacon list topband
Andree Schanko
- Topband: Inverted-L Bazooka type antenna
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Remote Controlled RXing QTH
Jarda Semotan
- Topband: 9j2bo
Michael Bazley
- Topband: Condx and more on 'growl' noise
W2pm at aol.com
- Topband: Europe to US-mobile
Dr .Wolf Ostwald
- Topband: Sloper Antenna
- Topband: Low Voltage DC lighting QRM
- Topband: Sloper Antenna
Augie Hansen
- Topband: Unidirectional Receiving loop
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: 3Y0X Postponed.
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: elevated k9ay loop
Gubiolo Rudy
- Topband: SLOPER Antennas
- Topband: TITANEX V160HD vertical
Don Beattie
- Topband: Titanex V160HD
- Topband: TITANEX V160HD vertical
john battin
- Topband: V160HD
Dl8las at aol.com
- Topband: TITANEX V160HD vertical
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: elevated k9ay loop
- Topband: From DU9/N0NM
Jon Rudy-MCC Asia Peace Resource
- Topband: From DU9/N0NM
Jose M. Valdes R. YV5LIX
- Topband: 9V1GO & first Beverage tests
- Topband: elevated k9ay loop
MarkWA1ION at aol.com
- Topband: New Vertical performance
- Topband: New Vertical performance
zl3ix at inet.net.nz
- Topband: HF-2V 160 meter coil dimensions ??
- Topband: contest cndx
Michael Bazley
- Topband: New Vertical performance
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: New Vertical performance
Ragnar Otterstad
- Topband: 160M 9V1 & DX Contest at W3LPL
Richard Zwirko
- Topband: 160M 9V1 & DX Contest at W3LPL
Ford Peterson
- Topband: HF-2V Coil Dimensions K7XQ Jeff
Michael Sapp
- Topband: 160M 9V1 & DX Contest at W3LPL
Michael Tope
- Topband: 160M 9V1 & DX Contest at W3LPL
Jim Brown
- Topband: ON4UN ARRL DX 80m story
Bill Tippett
- Topband: ARRL from YV
Javier Lopez
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
Ford Peterson
- Topband: ON4UN ARRL DX 80m stor
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
Michael Tope
- Topband: Hy Gain Hy tower ... opinions ??
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
- Topband: Fwd from JH1GVY: Re: ARRL DX Contest
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Support Lines Crossing ABOVE 14KV Lines
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: RX Antenna survey CT9M-QRP
George Balint
- Topband: K8IP Hospitalized
Dave Heil
- Topband: condx this AM
- Topband: Preamp power supply
- Topband: K8IP
Dave Heil
- Topband: Kudos to DX Engineering
SavageBR at aol.com
- Topband: Need help in winning a Preamp Wager
J A Ritter
- Topband: Preamp power supply
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Need help in winning a Preamp Wager
Jim Brown
- Topband: Conditions on Thursday night from W7-land
Brian Moran
- Topband: Fwd: S9SS Gets Another Stay of Execution!
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Preamp power supply
John Rogers
- Topband: Null Steering by Phasing
- Topband: CQ 160 SSB
Milt - N5IA
- Topband: Need help in winning a Preamp Wager
Jim Brown
- Topband: Need help in winning a Preamp Wager
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Need help in winning a Preamp Wager
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: JA on 160m
- Topband: ZA on 160m ?
G4PUQ at aol.com
- Topband: Sloper vs Top Driven Mast
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: THANKS - Preamp power supply & other noise
- Topband: K8IP - SK
Dave Heil
- Topband: null steering by phasing WA4FKI
Michael Sapp
- Topband: EWE tweaking
Michael Sapp
- Topband: VP9 report CQ WW SSB
jon jones
- Topband: JA on 160m
Robert Tellefsen
- Topband: EWE tweaking
Chuck Hutton
- Topband: Capacitor Hat / Vertical
- Topband: EWE Tweaking
Michael Sapp
- Topband: My JA on 160 questin
Robert Tellefsen
- Topband: K8IP - SK
Wieslaw Kosinski, SP4Z
- Topband: Capacitor Hat / Vertical
- Topband: cndx
Michael Bazley
- Topband: full wave loop
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 19:50:35 EST 2005
Archived on: Tue Mar 1 10:38:30 EST 2005
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).