Topband: Top Loading of Shunt-fed Tower

Tom McAlee tom at
Thu Feb 10 20:34:50 EST 2005

I called SteppIR today and talked to Jim.  He said the first time he heard
of something shunt feeding a tower with a SteppIR on it he was concerned,
but thus far, to his knowledge, nobody has had any problems.

He said he had heard of people grounding the reflector and director(s), but
he thought there would be enough capacitance without it (my thoughts are
that it might depend on the model; the 3el only has a 16' boom whereas the
4el has a 32' boom).

His primary concern would be the control unit, not the motors.  He said the
motors are low impedance (about 16 ohms) and balanced; he didn't think any
voltage would develop accross the windings.

He said be sure to ground the control cable and choke everything off, as a
fried control unit is the problem he would be most concerned about.

I think I will continue to be pragmatic on this one and wait until more
people have done it!

Tom, NI1N

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