Topband: Top-band Prop along grayline

Earl W Cunningham k6se at
Fri Mar 11 17:23:31 EST 2005

In my early days as a ham (50 years ago!) I was interested in the correct
direction to point a beam antenna.  The ARRL Antenna book provided a
simple equation for computing the direction (and distance) for short
path, which was defined as the shortest possible great circle path to the
DX station.  The text stated that long path was 180 degrees from short

Since then I've always felt that "short path" and "long path" are exactly
that, and that anything in between is "skewed path".  No terms like
"geomagnetic" or "twilight" skew should should be used to muddy it up
unless one is discussing a scientific investigation about the subject.

Therefore I completely agree with Tom, W8JI, on what the correct uses and
definitions of the terms are.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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