Topband: FT5 real time reports at

Eric Scace K3NA eric at
Sat Mar 26 00:45:25 EST 2005

Hi everyone --

    Friday evening saw over 100 reception reports recorded for Kerguelen 
160m signals on  Many thanks especially to OH2BO, LA7THA, 
LA0CX, IV3PRK, and OK1RD, among others, who provided many hours of 
coverage of the European opening.  LA7THA covered the entire opening 
(wow!), and OH2BO was reporting signals late into his evening.  N1BUG 
and W3GH posted multiple reports for the North American east coast weak 

    The data density is starting to hint at some of the patterns. 
During the European opening one could see intervals when the reported 
signals appeared to fade to many locations simultaneously, as well as 
other times of peaking at individual stations.

    Some stations are also recording MP3 files of the FT5 signal 
throughout the opening at their QTH.  These recordings will be very 
helpful in comparing events at different locations.

    Thanks to all the reporting stations.  If you haven't tried the 
real-time animated maps, check them out... and, please, keep those 
reports coming.  It's quick and easy.

73 from the DXMap team,
    -- Eric K3NA
    -- Brian N9ADG
    -- Walt W5ALT
    -- Alex VE3NEA

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