Topband: Paths between FT5X and North America

Bill Tippett btippett at
Tue Mar 29 06:49:22 EST 2005

 From K7CA via W2RU:

 >Hi Bud,
   I worked the FT5 at 01:42z, about 5 min before my sunset
[and almost exactly FT5XO's sunrise].  His direction was
directly NE from my Cedar City, UT QTH.  I can tell direction
within about 15 degrees.  My antenna has a 28 degree azimuth
beamwidth to the NE.  He was peaking 579 and was not copyable
east, southeast, or south.  73, Al K7CA

         One more thought about this.  From K7CA's Cedar City QTH,
the direct bearing to FT5XO is ~190 degrees.  Could this
mean his QSO was actually long path?

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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