Topband: Antipode hint

Bill Tippett btippett at
Tue Mar 29 20:08:01 EST 2005

W2RU wrote:
 >When you are at or near the antipode of the DX station
you are chasing, there is no one heading from you to him.
There is NO short path, NO long path.  If you view a great
circle map centered on the antipode, you will see the DX
location has been spread out around the entire 360-degree
periphery of your map.  I use this hint to help me remember

"In Manyberries, there are many Kerguelens...."

         "Or in Kerguelen, there are many Manyberries"...
except that there is actually not a town at the
true antipode at 49d 15m N and 110d 50m W. I added a
plot of the view from FT5XO, with the outer circle
representing the extreme SE corner of VE6 (the true actually has it wrong as SW VE5).
K7CA shows up at the crosshair target near 170 degrees
from FT5XO which is not the antipode: (see 2nd plot)

         As I said before, I was only 300 miles from
FT5ZB's exact antipode in SE Colorado, which is >500 mi
closer than K7CA is to FT5XO's antipode.  I always heard
Dany at his true bearing of about 310 degrees, no matter
when I heard him (many, many times over 4-5 months).  I
guess you must be even closer than I was to an exact
antipode to see the "all directions" phenomena.  I never
heard him at my sunset on 160 although I did several
times on 80.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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