Topband: cluster-QSOs Y or N ? MorgusMagnificen at
Fri Nov 11 18:08:09 EST 2005

    Thanks for bringing it my attention. I would not have noticed normally 
because I consider DX clusters another pseudo-drug in the modern world and never 
visit them. I turn on my radio and if there is something interesting 
happening, I'm in. Otherwise, the radio goes off and normal life prevails.

    Cheating at ham radio and cheating on your wife are quite similar. The 
immediate pleasure seems highly gratifying, but in the long term the underlying 
dissatisfaction wins out, leaving one feeling somewhat wanting and 
unfulfilled. If you can't enjoy the milieu of experimental radio communications without 
resorting to invisible asistance from others, then you are not a radio ham. 

Eric K8LV

P.S. Looking forward to our QSO's on 160 this winter - still getting the new 
wires for 05/06 all in place before the snow flies and the ground freezes.

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