Topband: Spotting

Milt, N5IA n5ia at
Mon Nov 14 00:25:02 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Lawrence" <SMLX at>

> In seeking information about the history of 160m DXCC on this
> reflector, I was surprised at the number of comments I received about
> ops who had achieved it but never applied for the award.
> I number myself with those whose measurement of achievement is simply
> personal.
> 73 - Steve WB6RSE

My feelings exactly.  I have not sought a single card for any contacts with
many more than 100 DXCC countries.  I have responded to multitudes of
requests for those that seek such verification of contacts.  It is a thrill
to work "DX" on Top Band; when the time permits, the conditions are right,
and all the equipment is set up and working correctly.  It is NOT an
obsession!!!   It is a hobby, and the "good feeling" that comes from
constructing antenna systems and station functions that perform as well or
better than others under the same conditions is all the reward I need.

In fact, in 45 years of continuous operation I have not applied for a "DXCC"
certificate on any band, mode or combination thereof.  I respect those that
do make the obtaining of DXCC or Honor Roll their highest priority in the
hobby.  Some of us just march to the beat of a different drummer.

Milt, N5IA 

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