Topband: Spotting

Doug Renwick ve5ra at
Mon Nov 14 10:21:41 EST 2005

My feelings exactly.  I have not sought a single card for any contacts with
many more than 100 DXCC countries.  I have responded to multitudes of
requests for those that seek such verification of contacts.  It is a thrill
to work "DX" on Top Band; when the time permits, the conditions are right,
and all the equipment is set up and working correctly.  It is NOT an
obsession!!!   It is a hobby, and the "good feeling" that comes from
constructing antenna systems and station functions that perform as well or
better than others under the same conditions is all the reward I need.

In fact, in 45 years of continuous operation I have not applied for a "DXCC"
certificate on any band, mode or combination thereof.  I respect those that
do make the obtaining of DXCC or Honor Roll their highest priority in the
hobby.  Some of us just march to the beat of a different drummer.

Milt, N5IA

One advantage of having all your DX contacts verified by the ARRL is for
insurance.  Insurance against loss of your QSL cards, insurance against
loss of your logs (by fire, computer crash, etc.)  Unless you store your
cards in bank safety deposit box they are more venerable to loss.  After
all that work and cost to QSO and confirm the DX I personally feel it
important to me to 'back up' my results.


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