Topband: RCS-4 - Beverages - Final

Stan Stockton stan at
Thu Nov 17 15:51:11 EST 2005

Hopefully this will be the end of this discussion.  Many of you will find 
this humorous.  I am glad to find what is going on but not so glad 
considering the MANY hours spent trying to figure out what was going on with 
a 3/3 stack on 40M.

 This is a good one.......Some of this is assumption, but well based.

When I bought the RCS-4 (used) it was the one with a wall wart to power it.
The other one I have has an internal power supply.  I assume that when Kevin
got this antenna switch out of the storage building the other day that the
wall wart he found was the one that had come with the unit I had purchased
from someone a few years ago.  I know the box itself is the one I had up
switching Upper, Lower, Both on 3/3 on 40M, the only other time I had used
it.  Spent untold amounts of time trying to figure out why there was NEVER
any noticeable difference that could not be attributed to QSB between Upper
and Both and eventually took the lower one down.

I just checked the voltages on Positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and there was +12V on 1,
+12V on 2, and nothing on 3&4.  Supposed to be 12VAC on 1, +12V on 2, -12V
on 3 and nothing on 4.  The wall wart is 12VDC instead of 12VAC!!  Positions
1 and two would always be 2 and positions 3 and 4 would always be the same.
IF I was using that same wallwart, I think I was never able to compare the
3L at 150 feet to the two in phase because in either position I was looking
at the two in phase.


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