Topband: Asian Jammer.

Nagi nagi at
Sat Nov 26 05:13:09 EST 2005

At 17:05 05/11/24 +1100, Bob VK3ZL wrote:
> I note with interest the absence of the '"Asian Jammer" 
for the past week.There has been a resumption of activity
in the Pacific region which is great.


> I congratulate the JA ham's who have hung in there 
and kept operations going whenever possible as they are 
a major part of Topband and have been the worst effected.

Hi Topband friends,

The jammer which had been emited almost everyday stopped
on November 16th and we finally retrieved the 160m band.
It suddenly stopped as if it might match the visit of President Bush
to APEC.

This is sort of a joke, and the fact is below;
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
of Japan, the transmission point has determined to be inside
of China by DEURAS-H, DEtect Unlicensed RAdio Stations.
Now they are calling for taking the appropriate steps through
diplomatic channels.
Then does the the jamming stopping for several days relate to
that appealing?
The Ministry's answer was "we expect so".
They say they cannot make public the details of spot or
which diplomatic channels used by various circumstances.

You can check about DEURAS and DEURAS-H on URL below.
Although it is made in Japanese you understand it
by photos and figures.

See you on 160m!
Aki,   JA5DQH / KH7A

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