Topband: HELP!! top band receiving aerials

Ian Keyser ian.keyser at
Sat Oct 1 07:21:14 EDT 2005

I've got to do something about receiving aerials for 160m.... I do have a 
boundary fence about 400 ft long facing just north of west.... good for a 
stateside beverage, but what effect will the wire fencing below it have???

I have a five foot diameter loop on my tower resonant and matched to 50 ohms 
but it's obviouslyn too small to be effective.

The transmitting aerial is a dipole at 70 ft with vertical 75 ohm twin 
feeder to my workshop where there is a choke balun and relay swithing unit 
where I can change it to a Marconi T with a series cap (motorised) so I can 
tune it over the band..... that seems to serve me well, but on receive it is 
SO noisey!!!

Any ideas would be appreciated

Ian, G3ROO

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