Topband: top band RX DIOPOLE

Jose M. Valdes R. YV5LIX yv5lix at
Sun Oct 2 14:07:41 EDT 2005


I like to improve my top band RX for the next season, so I have been reading
some literature regarding 160 meters RX antennas theory and I have question
for the experts.

I don't have the required space for a beverage since I'm a city dweller, but
I can mage to build a L shape horizontal dipole placed 6 feet above ground,
it will be a center fed full size +- 260 feet in length dipole with one arm
+- 130 feet and the second arm in a L shape of 34 feet and 96 feet. See

This side is will be to the north/south

                  130 feet                                             34
feet  |       
|       This side will be east/west
|       96 feet
All section will be in the horizontal plane

Could a dipole fashioned in the above configuration and placed 6 feet above
ground be a some what decent 160 meters RX antenna?

For TX I will continue using my 1/4 wave sloper (inverted L) that has
performed very well the last 2 years and has permitted me to work the US, EU
and Asiatic Russia with 10/100 watts.

Other suggestions that my fit my limited space are welcome

Have a nice day

73/DX Jose M. Valdes R. (Joe) YV5LIX Advisory Board Member
QSL manager EA7FTR
VHF Packed: 145.430 YV5LIX

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