Topband: Top Loaded "T" Vertical Vs. Inverted "L"

Ed Swynar gswynar at
Sun Oct 9 15:56:22 EDT 2005

Good Afternoon Guys,

Well, the masochistic side within me beckons yet again --- time to prepare
for yet another season of thrills & chills (and spills!) on 160 DX...!

I took the inverted "L" down from last winter, because the radials caused
"...QRM" to lawn mowing efforts here --- however, before I re-raise it, I
wonder if anyone reading this might share their experiences re. the
performance of a top-loaded "T" antenna, vs. the performance of an inverted

I read someplace on the net where a "T" is supposedly QUIETER than an "L" on
receive, AND it puts the current node up higher, away from ground level,
contributing to its effectiveness when transmitting...

I could probably go up some 50', or so, using open-wire feeder, with a
two-wire flat-top of 120+ feet, running north & south. The bonus to such a
set-up, of course, is the ability to use the affair as a multi-band doublet.
For 160, of course, I would short the feeder at the bottom, & get a "T"
set-up that way, as described on the website I stumbled upon...

Any comments...? Mind you, I've had GREAT success here with inverted "L"
antennas over the years, but maybe it's time for a new direction...

Any & all info & thoughts & suggestions solicited, AND welcomed...

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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