Topband: QRM from ASIA on TOP BAND

R March n7ua at
Thu Oct 13 11:19:33 EDT 2005

Watt,  Thanks very much for your observations.  Many of us hear in North
America are also hearing the noise.  It is certainly having a negative
effect on world wide communications. At the very least,  I believe that we
should all make our concerns known to our respective governments in the
hopes that they might actually add it to their list of "things to do".
Clearly noise such as this is a violation of international agreements and
spectrum allocations.
    I might also suggest that we all beam the biggest signals we can in the
direction of the noise and spend a lot of time on the air, even if only
local contacts are possible.  While this may be a futile exercise, there's
just a slight chance that we might be able to QRM the intruder; and we
should not concede the bands by default.  Thanks for your valuable
information.  Bob  N7UA
----- Original Message -----
From: "WATANABE JA0DAI" <ja0dai at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: QRM from ASIA on TOP BAND

> >
>  >Usually I have some mornings here in Nevada,
>  >in early October where the JA gang just BOOM
>  >into North America !   Nothing !  Nil !  Nada !
>  >
>  >what's up??
>  >
>  >Josh   N7XM         " where the Wild Horses roam"
>  >_______________________________________________
> A report form JA:
>   We have been masked by broadband jamming signal all over the topband
> here in JA. Nobody transmits so long as nobody can hear.
>   The signal is almost S9 with my small loop heading to West, usually
> noise level is S1 here. It does not sound like a woodpecker, but more
> like noise and a Noise Blanker is useless. It spreads from 1650 to 1950
> with peak around 1780kHz listening with 80m sloper antenna that is not
> resonant on 160m.
>   The possible same signal was heard in December 04 and January 05, but
> it was very short period and not last over a day. Now we are observing
> this one nearly two weeks continuously form 1st of October.
>   The strength builds up quickly after about 1 hour after our sunset time,
> it seems the transmitting site is located west of JA by 1 hour behind.
>   We are now asking JARL and Japanese PTT to figure out where it comes
> from, but we have no info so far.
>   If this is relating to a certain political/military intension in Asia,
> I don't know how we can manage it. Does anyone have a good advice please?
>   Anyway we would like to see the low band season coming just around the
> corner.
>   73...Watt JA0DAI (also WR3W)
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