Topband: QRM.

Alan Downing alan.downing at
Thu Oct 13 14:47:48 EDT 2005

> My guess is it is there all the time at present,signal strength dependent 
> on propogation conditions as some nights it is hardly detectable.I liken 
> the noise to an idling diesel engine.
> 73s Bob VK3ZL..

Ive got noise ( Didly Do sound ) like the becon we used to have on 1.9Mhz. 
>From 1812 to 1828 every 1 Kc and in between. . Level varies from must tune 
away to hang in there and try to resolve the station. The last few weeks Ive 
had noise I would descibe as digital packet audio from 1819 to 1826. comes 
and goes but makes the bottom end not usable. Both noises not a problem  if 
the tx aerials are used to receive. Im just at the. What am I doing here 
stage. The giving up stage still a long way off.

Best Regards


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