Topband: CQ Contests

Herbert Schoenbohm herbs at
Thu Oct 20 16:07:14 EDT 2005

Dear OM,

I have been hoping to donate my shack to a contester from the Gulf 
area that lost everything but still would like to operate in one 
of  the upcoming contests. (I have been there with 5 hurricanes over 
the past decade and know what it like to lose everything including 
two houses...and it is always just before just before the contest 
season.). This year we were spared any hurricanes or tropical 
storms.) Apart from donations to the Red Cross I want to try a direct 
method to help a ham that may be in the same situation I have been in 
so many times before.

My location specialty is the low bands with 6 Beverages which work 
well on 160-40 meters.  I also have a A3 at 75 feet along with a wire 
antennas and verticals for 80 and 40 transmit. The 160 meter transmit 
antenna is the 75 foot tower is a 25 foot stinger above the A3  and 
plenty of radials. A write up on QTH, replete with pictures is 
available online  at by selecting the KP2 trip.  I have 
a efficiency apartment next to the ham shack. If you bring members of 
your family along I also have some comp rooms at a local four star 
hotel a few miles up the beach that you can have for them as needed.

My only problem is that every time I try to post this message on this 
reflector I get an immediate bounce notice saying my header has an 
invalid character.  I have tried several different browser and 
connections but no joy  I am hoping one of the hams that I forward 
this message to will be so kind as to try and forward it on to an 
appropriate dx or contesting list.

I get instant bounces from dx-list at and cq-contest at

Please contact me directly if you are interested and need a contest location.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
Box 24261
Christiansted, VI 00824



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