Topband: S01R-GREAT EARS

Mr. and Mrs. Magoo magoo at
Sun Apr 16 07:09:34 EDT 2006

Early this AM S01R was on 1842 SSB with a readable signal-would have been 
5/9 had it not been for the S-9+ QRN crashes.  That op must have great ears 
because he was able to pull lots of guys including me out of the heavy noise 
which was at his end too.  It would have been nice to work them on CW 

The signal began coming out of the noise at about 0415Z enough to copy... 
after a couple of hours of the S9+ static crashes I wasn't sure 
I was really hearing properly.

In desperation I put my 756 PRO2 into filter-adjust mode and began changing 
the bandwidth rapidly up and down while listening to the signal.  Somewhere 
between 1500hz and 1900 hz the signal seemed to peak, and I was actually 
able to hear my call and signal report and confirmation of the QSO.  I had 
to continually adjust the filter bandwidth with each static crash.  Don't 
know why it worked but it seemed to.

Thanks for the new one guys!

Bill, VE3CSK 

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