Topband: split versus zero-beat

Dr .Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Sun Apr 16 07:42:00 EDT 2006

Hello reflectees !
I encountered a situation this a.m. on 160, which repeats itself so very often, that i feel it necessary to be improved.
We had a stn from HK-Land calling CQ and lsn zero-beat. A multitude of EU stns was calling and many of them exceeded the agreeable 2 to max 3 times giving the callsign by far. This resulted in nobody hearing anything and nobody working the Dx stn as well as a frustrated DX stn. Surely newcomers to 160, especially those from thinly populated countries, cant imagine what the band sounds like in densely populated areas, whenever a DX comes up. 
There is only two cures to that : Advice to newies from DX countries to work split and callers from other areas should limit themselves to a maximum of 3 calls and then " LISTEN ! "
Endless calling without listening is not necessarily improving things. I hope this is not understood as "teaching people" but i guess sometimes it ought to be repeated, at least for a few amongst the ranks.
73 and best DX   de wolf  df2py

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