Topband: YX0LIX

Tree tree at
Tue Apr 25 10:37:31 EDT 2006

On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 02:55:44PM +0200, DL8LAS wrote:

> worked YX0LIX this morning at 03:10UTC on 1842 up 2khz.
> He worked mostly NAs,
> I was surprised that he came back for my call .
> His signal was 539 with QSB?on my 3,40m  RX Loop.

Later in the evening, they were operating SSB - initially on 1842.8 simplex
and then listening up 5.  Lots of QSB and QRN - but a number of west coast
stations were able to get into the log after some persistent calling.

Tree N6TR

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