Topband: Morning TopBand Condx

Jon Zaimes AA1K jz73 at
Sat Feb 4 08:17:42 EST 2006

Hi Jarda,

Congratulations on the FO!

It is faily common from this QTH to hear and work DX after sunrise. This morning HL3IUA (a new one) called me just after my sunrise while I was finishing a QSO with a JA, and I was still copying him 4 or 5 minutes later. I have worked several JA stations 10-15 minutes past SR this season, and heard them 45 minutes past SR. VK/ZL stations frequently can be worked 30 - 45 minutes after sunrise from here.

I think the longest post-sunrise DX I have heard was FW2EH about 12 years ago. We could hear him (at a previous QTH) two hours after sunrise, but while others around me worked him I never did (and still need FW).

73/Jon AA1K

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