Topband: 160 digital freqs

Bernd Wiebus bernd.wiebus at
Thu Feb 16 10:03:17 EST 2006

Hello David

>am sure there will be many ideas....

At moment i am short of idears......

>just looking for an indicator as to where on 160m to apply my psk and other
digital modes without causing too much 
>trouble.  most of what i have seen has been around 1807.

1807 is too deep for Germany. Here the band starts at 1810. The darc
bandplan contains 1840-1843 for digimode.
(link to darc bandplan: I
guess QRSS will be now problem in the CW segment, but at psk i am not shure,
even if the bandwith of a good psk31 signal is much narrower than for a
standart CW signal with 12-15 wpm.

Bernd, dl1eic 

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