Topband: Topband and the DX-Window

Jim Kearman jkearman at
Thu Feb 16 08:00:26 EST 2006

From: herbs at

> Maybe 160 will
> remain the "gentleman's band" a bit longer before it gets hacked to pieces by
> bureaucrat's idea of where digital modes, SSTV, PSK, code practice, bulletin
> stations and retro-AMers should all be segregated. 

Yet more than once recently, Topband posters have asked the Big Guns to stand by and give newcomers a break in pileups. IMO, the main reason 160 isn't as cacaphonous as the HF bands is the relative difficulty of getting on top band, not the relative merits of the operators. Especially during major dxpeditions, the HF bands suffer from the too-many-rats-in-the-cage syndrome, and it becomes a case of everyone for themselves. Crazies are pathologically attracted to mobs, on street corners or 7023 kHz. What keeps large mobs from descending into violence is the threat of the immediate use of overwhelming force by the authorities, not the gentleness of the crowd. Segregating 40 by mode hasn't prevented the electromagnetic violence on 3Y0X's frequency, but I think it has helped.

Good luck on 40, Herb. I have 'em there and on 80, but not on 160.


Jim, KR1S

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