Topband: strange conditions

Steve Flood flood at
Fri Feb 17 17:27:27 EST 2006

Larry N7DD wrote...

> This is the first time that I have been aware of these  anomalies. I leave 
> it
> for the experts to explain these strange conditions.  Anyone?

Certainly not an expert, but my own anomaly occured a couple weeks ago when 
I hit the shack to entertain my insomnia late one night.  I turned the rig 
on and was greeted by the quietest band noise I've heard in my 6 years on 
160m.  A soft white noise almost.  I immediately thought that something was 
wrong, but as I tuned around I could hear signals like I've NEVER heard 
before.  I tried for a couple EU stations but no joy.  Within 5 minutes, the 
band noise was back up to the normal S9 and the signals were gone.  I have 
no idea what I experienced that night.  It was Feb. 4 at 0650z.

Steve KK7UV 

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