Topband: Re-using Guy Grips...Why?

Tom Rauch w8ji at
Tue Jun 27 15:04:40 EDT 2006

> Jeez. Hams sure are cheap.  You put up a tower and antenna 
> for a  couple of
> thousand dollars and then want to cheap out and reuse guy 
> grips that  run $5-$6
> each.  The recommendation of the manufacturer is "don't do 
> it".  Do these
> guys reuse old PL-259s too?

Put me in the cheap category.

I reuse both my guy grips and my PL259's when they are in 
good shape. Even manufacturers who directly benefit from 
selling product and who always want  to cover themselves for 
liability allow some reuse of guy grips.

If the grip isn't deformed and still has grit inside, I 
wouldn't hesitate to use it in my installation. It's my 
normal practice when installing tall towers to reset grips 
when finalizing tension, and the manufacturer even says it 
is OK to do that a few times.

73 Tom 

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