Topband: Topband YJ

Ilmo Anttila ilmo.anttila at
Mon Mar 13 11:13:04 EST 2006


Seems that we here in OH were very lucky with propagation on topband. YJ0ADX 
was worked by more than ten active topbanders. Here in North propagation 
area was however limited only to Southern and Eastern Finland and Baltic 
countries. Also SMs worked YJ at least on one evening.
There was propagation peaks at our sunset abt. 16Z and at YJ sunrise abt 
Our direction to YJ is 49deg. I did work YJ from NE (4SQ) on 3rd March at 
sunrise time.
At our sunset time on 4th March there was also a skewed path. I did hear YJ 
as strong from SE as from NE. Noise was higher from SE but signal strength 
was abt. the same.
Also Marko OH3XR mentioned that he did hear at the same time best with his 
beverage to 90deg.  and signals were weaker from NE.
So...   there was also other paths than only through Aurora region.

This was a great dx-peditions on low bands. Thanks a million to the team!


Ilmo, OH2BO 

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