March 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 02:19:34 EST 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 22:51:53 EST 2006
Messages: 227
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Keith Jillings (G3OIT)
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Keith Jillings (G3OIT)
- Topband: Testing RX Antennas "Out of Season" WWV 2.5 MHz
Richard (Rick) Karlquist (N6RK)
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 39, Issue 1
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: HB0 web update-LINK CORRECTION
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: SoftRock 40 kit info
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: TY5MR
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: Subject: Re: LBOW & WAS
by way of Bill Tippett <btippett at>
- Topband: Terrain - 160M Array
D Andersen
- Topband: Topband YJ
Ilmo Anttila
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Paul Baldock
- Topband: TY5MR
Paul Baldock
- Topband: 160 m Preamp
George Balint
- Topband: ty aftermath
Michael Bazley
- Topband: TY - 160
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: Another "I got 'em!" post
Charles Bibb
- Topband: 160-Meter Antenna Design
Dick and Adele Bingham
- Topband: Terrain - 160M Array
Yuri Blanarovich
- Topband: Inverted-L
Tom Boucher
- Topband: Inverted L matching
Tom Boucher
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Tom Boucher
- Topband: Relays in RX array
W0UN -- John Brosnahan
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Ken Brown
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Ken Brown
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier and RX pass band filters for low bands
Sergio Cartoceti
- Topband: FW: Help for Preamplifier and RX pass band filters for low bands
Sergio Cartoceti
- Topband: Guy wire insulators (was Thunderstorm)
Donald Chester
- Topband: RELAYS
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
Bogdan Chorążyk
- Topband: K9AY end-fire
Bogdan Chorążyk
- Topband: TY op
Craig Clark
- Topband: TY5MR
Phil Clements
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Topband :Beacons
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: MFJ 1026:What noise antenna to use?
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Topbanders' Dinner at Visalia
Earl W Cunningham
- Topband: High Power Filters
George Cutsogeorge
- Topband: Relay types-Tx and Rx
George Cutsogeorge
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
- Topband: 4 sq k9ay loops for topband
Kazimierz Drzewiecki
- Topband: Relay contacts
Sam Effinger
- Topband: Balloon lifted wire Antenna?
- Topband: Topband YJ
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: receiving beacon and cheating
Kenneth Grimm
- Topband: Inverted-L
George (K8GG) & Marijke Guerin
- Topband: Inverted-L
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: RG6
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Guy Olinger, K2AV
- Topband: LBOW & WAS
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: 3E1A qsls
Jim Hoge
- Topband: Evaluating Rx antennas with Spectran
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: Topband alive and well
- Topband: 4 sq nesting
- Topband: Software defined radio receiver for 160m
Steve Ireland
- Topband: skype remote rx 'beacons'
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: 4 sq k9ay loops for topband
Jim Jarvis
- Topband: ty aftermath
Milt Jensen
- Topband: topband beacons
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: Relay types-Tx and Rx
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Michael Keane K1MK
- Topband: receiving beacon on 1832.10 kHz
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: receiving beacon - What is "Skype"?
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: receiving beacon on 1832.10 kHz
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: receiving beacon access corrected
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: fixed freq receiving beacons, remote radios, and awards
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: K3NA receiving beacon moved to 1839.39 kHz
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: K3NA receiving beacon off-air until Apr 10
Eric Scace K3NA
- Topband: Bidirectional vs 2 simple Beverage antennas LONG
- Topband: Thunderstorm
- Topband: Relays in RX array
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
John K9UWA
- Topband: LBOW & WAS
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: W1AW is staying put for now
Jim Kearman
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Jim Kearman
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Jerry Keller
- Topband: receiving beacon and cheating
Ian Keyser
- Topband: Remote oper\tion
Ian Keyser
- Topband: Beacons
Ian Keyser
- Topband: TopBand Beacons useful!
Ian Keyser
- Topband: 9m2ax
Robert King
- Topband: 2 Queations
Jim & Carolyn Kingsbury
- Topband: TY5MR from W7
Peter Koehler
- Topband: 300 ohm twin lead INV L
Roy Koeppe
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier
Rainer Kühnberger
- Topband: Bidirectional vs 2 simple Beverage antennas
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Steve London
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Tod - MN
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Tod - MN
- Topband: 2 Queations
Jeff Maass
- Topband: RELAYS
Mr. and Mrs. Magoo
- Topband: TY5MR
Mr. and Mrs. Magoo
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: Terrain - 160M Array
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: TY5MR
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: 8R1EA LAST NIGHT
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: 8R1EA (AH8DX) Wed. Night
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: 8R1EA (AH8DX) Update
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: 8R1EA and 6W/RW3TN
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: 8R1EA (AH8DX) cdx tonite!
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: 8R1EA (AH8DX) Friday
ah8dx Craig Maxey
- Topband: Boring Report - VK6ABL
Steve McDonald
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Lennart Michaelsson
- Topband: ZL6QH 160M OPERATION - 4 MARCH 2006
Brian Miller
- Topband: LBOW & WAS
Milt, N5IA
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Missouri Guy, N0TT
- Topband: 2 Queations
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Bidirectional vs 2 simple Beverage antennas
Larry Molitor
- Topband: Beacons
Jim Monahan
- Topband: 4S7NE
Greg - N4CC
- Topband: HB0 web update
Braco OE1EMS
- Topband: FW: YJ0ADX Look Back
Jarda Semotan OK1RD
- Topband: YJ0 frm central EU
Dr .Wolf Ostwald
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Ford Peterson
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Ford Peterson
- Topband: LBOW & WAS
Ford Peterson
- Topband: LBOW & WAS
Ford Peterson
- Topband: high power filters
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Inverted-L Spacing Question
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 2 Queations
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Inverted-L
Tom Rauch
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Tom Rauch
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Tom Rauch
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Tom Rauch
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Beacons
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 4 sq k9ay loops for topband
Tom Rauch
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
Tom Rauch
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Tom Rauch
- Topband: RG6
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Relays in *TX* array
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Tom Rauch
- Topband: Relay types-Tx and Rx
Brad Rehm
- Topband: SDR remote receiver
Jon Rudy-MCC Asia Peace Resource-Gmail
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- Topband: 300 Ohm twin lead inverted ??
Philip M. Roberts
- Topband: HyGain DX-88 on 160 ??
Philip M. Roberts
- Topband: Terrain - 160M Array
Larry Rockfield
- Topband: Testing RX Antennas "Out of Season"
Eric Rosenberg
- Topband: 4 SQ K9AY story
Bogdan SP3RBR
- Topband: Inverted-L Spacing Question
- Topband: out of band ant test stations
Michael Sapp
- Topband: RU0ZM address finally found by "Scotty" WK3N
Jim Scott
- Topband: receiving beacon and cheating
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: FW: NM7M Hospitalized
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
David Sinclair
- Topband: Relays
Harold Smith
- Topband: 4 sq k9ay loops for topband
Pete Smith
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Pete Smith
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Pete Smith
- Topband: Relays in RX array
Pete Smith
- Topband: RG6
Ed Stallman
- Topband: Terrain - 160M Array
Lawrence Stoskopf
- Topband: 6O0N QSL rx
George Taft
- Topband: Software defined radio receiver for 160m
ik2bcp - Guido Tedeschi
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier
ik2bcp - Guido Tedeschi
- Topband: Help for Preamplifier
ik2bcp - Guido Tedeschi
- Topband: W1AW Frequency Shift
Bill Tippett
- Topband: New Solar Cycle Forecast
Bill Tippett
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Bill Tippett
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Bidirectional vs 2 simple Beverage antennas
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Relay types-Tx and Rx
Bill Tippett
- Topband: 2 Queations
Michael Tope
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Michael Tope
- Topband: FW: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Michael Tope
- Topband: FW: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Michael Tope
- Topband: RG6
Michael Tope
- Topband: fixed freq receiving beacons, remote radios, and awards
- Topband: Boring Report - VK6ABL
- Topband: Boring Morning Report
- Topband: Boring Report - EUROPE!!
- Topband: TY - 160
- Topband: TY5MR
- Topband: ty aftermath
- Topband: YJ
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
- Topband: AVES
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
- Topband: Relays and heating
Uwe Koenneker, DL8OBF
- Topband: Balloon lifted wire Antenna?
Ffive VHN
- Topband: 2 Queations
John Wagner
- Topband: FW: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
Jose M. Valdes R. YV5LIX
- Topband: RF - Safety Distance for a Top-Band Antenna installation
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: 4 square k9ay for 160m
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: TY5MR
BobK8IA at
- Topband: 160 TIMES
Gedking at
- Topband: WPX and all time Top Band records updated
K3BU at
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
K3BU at
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
K3BU at
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
W2pm at
- Topband: Testing RX Antennas "Out of Season"
W2pm at
- Topband: Relays in RX array
W2pm at
- Topband: ty
W7lr at
- Topband: ty aftermath
W7lr at
- Topband: Testing RX Antennas "Out of Season"
W8AV at
- Topband: Guy wire insulators (was Thunderstorm)
w8av at
- Topband: EU DXing
robert briggs
- Topband: TS-830S
robert briggs
- Topband: Kenwood TS-830S.
robert briggs
- Topband: TopBand Beacons
mstangelo at
- Topband: 160M BA Transverter?
- Topband: HB0/DL2OBO is in LoTW now !
dl2obo at
- Topband: CUSHCRAFT MA160V
sulai je
- Topband: Testing RX Antennas "Out of Season"
jon jones
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
- Topband: how to set up a Skype receiving beacon
earlham at
- Topband: Noise Null Steerer
- Topband: Thunderstorm
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 22:51:53 EST 2006
Archived on: Sat Apr 1 05:57:27 EST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).