Topband: receiving beacon on 1832.10 kHz

Eric Scace K3NA eric at
Thu Mar 2 06:43:10 EST 2006

Hi everyone --

    Thanks for all the interest in the receiving beacon!

    Unfortunately it seems the "accept calls from anyone" 
setting in Skype did not stick properly.  If you tried 
connecting to the beacon, you received a message that the 
beacon only accepts calls from people on the Contact List.

    I will be back at the site during the day today 
(Thursday) and should have this restriction removed and 
tested by 1700z.

    Yesterday afternoon I checked the beacon around 
2030-2100z and heard A45XR briefly, and ZS1REC, both working 
around the receiver's frequency.  So there was propagation 
during the 1 hour+ period before sunset here.

    -- Eric K3NA

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