Topband: Power rating of Unun

Roy Morgan roy.morgan at
Mon Nov 6 15:29:32 EST 2006

At 07:50 AM 11/5/2006, Björn Mohr wrote:
>I made an unun using a T-200-2 with a 19 turn bi-filiar winding using 1 mm
>enamelled CU wire. How much power should I expect this transformer to
>Are there any good online resources dealing with construction of TX ununs
>and baluns?


The one most recommended book on Baluns and Ununs is below, and is 
available from ARRL among other places, no doubt:

Understanding, Building and Using Baluns and Ununs
-- Theory and Practical Designs for the Experimenter
By Jerry Sevick, W2FMI.
The book is the successor to Building & Using Baluns & Ununs. This edition 
includes new tutorial material, designs and explanations of how and why 
they work. It also provides an opportunity to learn about the application 
of baluns and ununs for dipoles, Yagis, log periodics, Beverages, antenna 
tuners and countless other applications.

136 pages. © 2003, CQ Communications, Inc. (ISBN: 0-943016-24-X) #8982 -- 

This link gets you to the ARRL book listing:

It seems to me that the advice from the other Roy is good, but I don't have 
much experience with these things...yet.

If you are in doubt, load up your transmitter and leave it on for a little 
while.. test for heat in your Unun.


- Roy Morgan, K1LKY since 1959 - Keep 'em Glowing
13033 Downey Mill Road, Lovettsville, VA 20180
Phone 540-822-5911   Cell 301-928-7794
Work: Voice: 301-975-3254,  Fax: 301-975-6097
roy.morgan at --  

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