Topband: soil doping

Raoul Coetzee raoulc at
Mon Oct 16 06:58:05 EDT 2006

Gregory Heath wrote:
> I remember reading something about this in yr's gone by.  Does anyone
> here on the reflector, dope their radial field with Epsom
> increase the ground's conductivity.
> Would epsom salt eat away my grass and yard...?
> Imagine no mowing !! Yeah...and great DX...Yeah...

and a reply:
>I consider it a very bad idea to 'dope' the soil with any such
>additives. If it is not fertilizer, lime, or another such product
>.designed to add to the soil, it very likely should not be added.
>This may in fact constitute a crime against the environment and be
>prosecutable, depending on which jurisdiction you live in and whether
>or not any national laws apply. I doubt whether it would make even
>a fractional dB difference to you on top band, anyway.

Here in Southern South Africa typical soil with a low salt (sodium chloride)
content would have a value between
20-30mg/Kg salt.A high value would be 150-200mg/Kg

Fertilizer have a lot of other salts in the form of magnesium sulphate,
potassium and calcium which is safe to add of course.

But I think forget about the idea,use fertilizer if you need to(for your
garden/grass) and lay down more radials instead!

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