Topband: RG-6 Coaxial Cable...

Jon Zaimes AA1K jz73 at
Fri Sep 15 06:58:47 EDT 2006

RG6 works fine for transmitting at 1.5 KW.

KM1H tipped me off to this back in the '80s and I started using some -- scrounged from the scrap pile at a local CATV yard -- for my 80 and 40 m delta loop arrays.This was not new cable but stuff that had been in service for some time.

Carl used his with F connectors at full power but I either used PL259s or just hardwired it into relay boxes or the antenna -- either screw-down connections in the relay box or twist-and-tape of the shield and solder the center conductor at the antenna. I had some of these in service for 10-15 years (at two different QTHs) without any problem. Using the cheap tape, of course.

73/Jon AA1K

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