Topband: Delaware report

Takeshi Yoshida ja3aaw at
Wed Sep 27 10:45:00 EDT 2006

At 20:22 +0900, 2006/09/27, you wrote:
>This morning was the first in several days that I made it to the shack for sunrise.
>The band was pretty quiet, though initially heard no DX coming through. But that quickly changed as VK3ZL called in at 1038z, then a surprise from JH2FXK at 1047z, then JA3AAW (peaking 579) and JA1CGM right at my 1054z sunrise. VK6VZ closed out the "run" at 1056z. The ZL digi was still audible several minutes later.
>The JA signals flip-flopped peaking between a short, single-wire 500 ft Beverage and the broadside phased pair of 935 feet, no doubt as the wave angle changed around SR. Both antennas are aimed direct path at 320 degrees.
>While we have heard JA signals as early as August, this is one of the earliest solid openings I can recall.
>73/Jon AA1K

Good morning Jon san,    Thank you for very nice QSO on 160M. 

I have not good ears and much local QRN on 160M, so that I seldom 
watch north America. 

In my memory, I worked East Coast like W1,2,3 and VE1 between 
December and January in 1990s only. 

Then, when I could catch your good signal in such a early season 
and you gave 579 report, I was very surprised indeed. 
Though I sent you 559, peaking was 569 and got all of your info 
like ur name and QTH. 

I hope I could hear many of EC stations in this season.

By the way, CX5BW gave me my #39 zone 10 days ago. 
I guess more than 10 JA top-banders are waiting for their last one 
for 160M-WAZ and probably all of they need only ZONE #2 (included me). :-)   

My 160M ant: 1/2 wave length inverted vee dipole, 30 mtrs at center and 
9-10 mtrs at both end.   You can see that ant pix at my Web top-page. 

73,  de Yosi JA3AAW  <ja3aaw at>, <ja3aaw at>

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