Topband: W1AW inconsistency wd western US

Dr .Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Fri Sep 29 06:37:00 EDT 2006

Hi reflectees !
Last two days yielded good west coast prop from EU.
The whole coast made it into all parts of Europe with partially vy loud sigs. Although the sigs were great, we are still in late summer storm season and the noise was sometimes hovering at S9+ levels. The thing that surprised me was the total absence of the W1AW signal while the westcoast was rolling in. Either the TX at W1AW is down the last two days, or for some reason we have huge attenuation to the east coast. The SoCal stations made no appearance here in central EU so far.Maybe they dont benefit from that northern "duct". W6RJ is the southernmost station on the left coast to be heard last days.Or is the factor "distance" underestimated ? 
73 and best 160-DX for everyone      de wolf  df2py

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