Topband: Coil wire oxidisation.

robert briggs vk3zl at
Mon Apr 9 08:08:47 EDT 2007

Thanks for the replys.Here is a brief summery.
I was directed through Google and typed in "Cleaning" copper.Dunno why I didn't think of that first.
There are plenty of sites with various methods.The bulk seem to favour salt and vinigar solutions or other acidic variations like a lemon half with salt or baking soda.
A more drastic method advocates a mixture of  1 part caustic soda to 3 parts rochelle salt mixed with 20 parts distilled water.I think I will bypass that one.Grandma washed my mouth out with her homemade soap when I was a kid.YUK !!!!
I tried the ketchup method and used a nylon scouring pad on a 15 foot length of wire and it certainly removed the bulk of the oxidisation.I had to use some fine steel wool and water to do a final polish to finish it to my satisfaction though.
I like working with heavy copper wire.I roll it on various formers, eg 2 inch and 3 inch brass windmill pump barrels.The coils generally spring out about 1/2 inch when removed from the barrel.I then measure the coil diameter,cut a 1/4 inch perspex former 1/2 inches wider,run a strip of masking tape down each side and mark off the drilling points for the coil remembering to have a half turn offset on one side to get the correct pitch.
After drilling all the holes I then proceed to "Screw" the coil of wire on to the former.
Once the wire is in place I put tempory spacers on both sides of the perspex former and tighten the coil so it is perfectly even.
I then fix the wire in place permanently using epoxy glue.I then wash the coil in clean water and detergent,rinse and dry.I also give the finished coil a coat or two of laquer to retain the clean surface
Of course I have calculated the correct amount of turns for a given value in microhenrys beforehand and they generally come out pretty close to the calculated value.
Check my callsign on and you will find a link to a page showing a few examples of my coils.
I will try some further cleaning methods and report how they go.

Bob... VK3ZL..

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