Topband: Small lot antenna idea

Roy Morgan roy.morgan at
Fri Feb 9 10:51:57 EST 2007

At 11:40 PM 2/8/2007, you wrote:
...started thinking of using my screwdriver antenna as the loading coil 
instead - after all, thats all it is, right? Only its motorized.
>   The plan is to use insulated wire and drape it over the house

Is this going to be a TRANSMITTING antenna?  If so, Beware!

Short antennas develop extremely high voltages with even moderate 
power.  You could burn your house down.

If you don't have the Low Band DX-ing book you need one.


- Roy Morgan, K1LKY since 1959 - Keep 'em Glowing
13033 Downey Mill Road, Lovettsville, VA 20180
Phone 540-822-5911   Cell 301-928-7794
Work: Voice: 301-975-3254,  Fax: 301-975-6097
roy.morgan at --  

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