Topband: JD1BME Mystery Continues

Bill Tippett w0zv at
Thu Feb 15 06:09:20 EST 2007

     Yosi JA3AAW forwarded the following interesting
info from JA1DDH about JD1BME.  The mystery continues!

                        73,  Bill  W4ZV


JA1DDH Anzai-san posted the following info; 

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 16:00:53 +0900 (JST) 
From: Takeo Anzai JA1DDH 
Subject: [net160m:240] About JD1BME 

Sometime before, Mr. Masami Ishii was a member of club
station JD1YBJ 
and I thought that he operated radio with the private
call JD1BME. 
Then, I went to the Chiba loran center, in Chiba city
to see him today. 
A staff told JA1DDH "Mr Ishii is in the meeting now."
so that I couldn't 
meet him directly. 

After that, a man called me on the telephone who was
QSPed from Mr. Ishii 
and said "By some circumstance, Mr. Masami Ishii can't
talk whether he 
operated JD1DME or not, and he'll never meet anybody
about that ham radio. 
I'm sorry to say so."   I was refused by Mr. Ishii. 
There is only expecting that some day he become a
member of JARL and he 
would QSL via the bureau.   I'm sorry I can't help
you.   de JA1DDH. 

Anzai-san also gave me/JA3AAW words on Feb-15th as
"Mr. Masami Ishii will be on Minami-torishima today
and I guess he may be 
QRV again as JD1DME". 

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