Topband: Beverage question

EP Swynar gswynar at
Wed Feb 21 12:28:48 EST 2007

Hi All,

My 1300' N/S Beverage runs half through open meadow, & half through an overgrown cedar bog...

The BIGGEST disadvantage of running through the cedars is the density of all of the  foliage/branches! That, and the fact that it's VERY easy to become dis-oriented while in the "...thick" of it all (no pun intended), and in so doing, stray off of a atraight-line path...

As for results, well, a Beverage through trees is certainly better than no Beverage at all, in my humble opinion...I can't do any side-by-side comparisons of a "stand alone" wire to the one I have, so this qualitative observation (such as it is) is all that I have to submit, I'm afraid...

As someone said earlier here, it pays to have as many antennas --- and THEN some! --- as one can on 160-meters...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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