Topband: Going straight through the wood

Gilles RENUCCI ve2tzt at
Wed Feb 21 15:07:14 EST 2007

>The BIGGEST disadvantage of running through the cedars is the density of all of the  foliage/branches! >That, and the fact that it's VERY easy to become dis-oriented while in the "...thick" of it all (no pun >intended), and in so doing, stray off of a atraight-line path...

>~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


I had the same problem to run my beverages straight into the forest.
The solution : Attach with some tape an electric torch (preferably a big one) at the top of a 10 feet (or more) mast (or peace of branch). Raise that just at one ground rod point of your futur beverage and beam the torch in direction of the other side of the antenna. Then go to the other side. It is now easy to run the wire straight in the direction of  the light. The perfect moment is 1/2h before sunset (is not it strange for a 160m antenna ?) when it is bright enough to see where you walk and when the fading sun brightness permits to see the torch.

73's, Gilles / VE2TZT       

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