Topband: Condx Feb 22 morning

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Thu Feb 22 18:43:21 EST 2007

Conditions this AM on topband were interesting, 
at 1500Z VK9 was doing their usual thing on
top band with an excellent signal,  so went down
the band a bit and called CQ,  was answered
by ZK2 a new one, and shortly after UA9YAB
with the loudest signal I have heard out of UA9.
Then JT1CO, followed by RU3, UA4, UK8
JA etc. 
So I guess propagation moved a little west finally,
will be on tonite at 0500 to see if theres more to
be heard. 
"bad" news is the tower crew will be here Monday
to cut down the towers,  so will be QRT for several
weeks until I can get an antenna back up. 
You can bet there will be the biggest and best
opening of all time while I am down,  always happens
so keep your ears open,  Murphy rules. 
73  Merv K9FD/Kh6

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