Topband: Beverage height issues

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Thu Jan 11 12:14:14 EST 2007

Craig Clark <jcclark at> wrote: With all the coyotes, deer, moose and bear not to mention hunters and 
other fauna, that roam my woods, a 2' Beverage would never last. For 
those with low antennas, is this not a problem in your area?...

 There are no trees out in the field so my line of sight is not obstructed. A scoped high-power rifle kept near the shack door and a back-hoe parked next to the shop takes care of most of those problems.
 For those who prefer to be more politically correct, I would suggest using 14 Ga. fence wire. It is usually made from an alloy with higher tensile strength. Here, 1400 pound cows can't break it when installed on electric fence posts and insulators. Occasionally, you need to stand the post up and/or find and replace the insulators but the Beverage keeps on working.
 Most of the damage from animals seems to occur because they can't see the small gauge wire at night. Let them see it!


Larry - W7IUV
DN07dg - central WA

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