Topband: Base linear load vertical .. halp needed

Dan Zimmerman N3OX n3ox at
Mon Jun 25 17:20:34 EDT 2007

>The second question concerns the L network : with this base load
antenna configuration wich >is the best L netwrok configuration to

I don't know if it's the BEST one, but it works for me... bottom of
the page on :

I'm in  your exact situation...60 foot fiberglass pole, base loaded
and matched.  I use a tapped coil for loading and matching.

You can find pictures at

I had pretty good results with this antenna and 100W over the winter.
 I used a Flag to help on RX and didn't work anything
earth-shattering, but went from 9 countries worked on 160 to maybe 40

- - - - - -

That brings me to a question for the experts on the reflector:

Which has better bandwidth for matching this antenna, an L-L step-up L
network with two coils that are *not* coupled to each other, or the
tapped-coil scheme that I used?

I'm sure the mutual coupling between the coils changes things somewhat
vs. using two coils, but it is a change for the better, the worse, or
pretty much neutral?


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