Topband: End off Season??

Björn Mohr bm at
Mon May 14 06:49:38 EDT 2007

Dick PA3FQA wrote:

>> Why does everybody say that it's the end off season?

I guess most people have to roll in the beverages and take down any other
temporary antennas when spring arrives. A good reason for less activity up
here in the north is the longer days... Just a few hours of nigh here now.
But when spring arrives in the northern hemisphere fall is stepping through
the door south of the equator, so there should be plenty of opportunities

I was listening a little to the band this weekend, and indeed it was quiet.
Not only on the band, but also the ON4KST low band chat was almost empty
most of the time and there was considerably fewer spots. It might not be
that propagation is gone, just the operators are 'gone fishing'.

I had to take down my TX vertical, but I have a inverted L my 'summer TX
antenna' so I will be around now and then. 

73 de Björn /SM0MDG

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